Job Title:

Job Reference No.: HIT-2016-399
技工學徒: 中三或以上
技術員學徒: 香港中學文憑考試五科成績達第二級以上,包括英國語文、中國語文及數學或同等學歷
Application Method:
Please send your full resume with current and expected salary to email On the email subject line, please include the Job Reference No. (e.g. HIT-2022-001) shown on the top left of this page.
By proceeding to the application you acknowledge that you have:
- Read the Personal Information Collection Statement, and;
- Declared that all information provided in respect of your application for employment is true and correct, and;
- Understood that any misrepresentation or false statement in respect thereof will result in rescinding of employment offer by Hongkong International Terminals Limited or dismissal of your employment with Hongkong International Terminals Limited, whichever is applicable, without compensation whatsoever, and;
- Agreed that the information stated in your application can be used by Hongkong International Terminals Limited, its holding company, subsidiaries or associated companies for employment-related purposes , and;
- Authorized Hongkong International Terminals Limited the right to investigate all references, to verify the information that you have here provided and to secure additional information about you, if necessary, and you release from liability or responsibility of all person or other or organization furnishing such information.