Background image
HIT installed solar photovoltaic (PV) panels above the Terminal 4 gatehouse
As a leading private container terminal in the world,
HIT is committed to protecting our natural environment and resources, to conducting its business in an ethical and socially responsible manner.

Legal Compliance

Comply with applicable environmental regulations and statutory requirements, and, set our own guidelines for where regulations do not exist in achieving a good environmental performance.

Pollution Prevention, Resources Conservation and Waste Minimization

Incorporate environmental consideration in the company's planning and operational decisions, and conduct our operation in a manner that prevents pollution, saves energies and conserves resources.

Continual Monitoring and Improvement

Conduct periodic audits and self-assessment of HIT's compliance with its policy.

Sustainable Development

Communicate environmental objectives throughout the company and business related parties for pursuing environmentally sustainable ideas that protect our natural environment and resources for now and future.
HIT commit the resources needed to implement this policy. Implementation of this policy and its sustainable development is HIT's primary objective and responsibility of every employee from top management to all ground staff.