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8th Inter-company Safety Quiz to Promote Occupational Safety Awareness
Article Date: 18/10/2001
[Hong Kong - 18 October 2001] The 8th Inter-company Safety Quiz will be held on 19 October 2001 at the Nikko Hotel, Hong Kong. An annual event, the Safety Quiz aims to raise occupational safety awareness in the community.

Hosted by Hongkong International Terminals Limited (HIT), this year's Safety Quiz has received strong support and sponsorship from the Occupational Safety and Health Council, Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, Chun Wo Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd., The Kowloon Motor Bus Co. (1933) Ltd., Airport Authority Hong Kong, The Hongkong Electric Co. Ltd., CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, MTR Corporation, and The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited. As the importance of environmental awareness has been added to this year’s safety theme, the Safety Quiz Organising Committee would also like to thank the Environmental Protection Department for its active participation.

The Safety Quiz will involve three rounds of exciting questions of various types and styles. Questions will be in the form of multiple choice, matching, quick-response and true or false questions.

A panel of judges will comprise honoured guests from the Labour Department and Environmental Protection Department, as well as representatives from Occupational Safety and Health Council, Hong Kong Industrial Safety Association, Society of Registered Safety Officers and The Hong Kong Occupational Safety & Health Association.

The Inter-company Safety Quiz is more than an industry event, it is an activity which strengthens community ties by bringing together government, industry and the people of Hong Kong. As support grows with each passing year, the Safety Quiz will continue to make an important contribution to achieving higher levels of safety awareness in Hong Kong.


This news release is issued by Hongkong International Terminals Limited (HIT)
on behalf of the Safety Quiz Organising Committee.
For further information, please contact Ms Mayee Tang
Phone: (852) 2619 7557
Fax: (852) 2612 0083